St Vincent's Hospital (SVH)

St Vincent’s Hospital has 403 beds and is a tertiary teaching hospital which provides acute care services to inpatients and outpatients from the local community, throughout the state and nationally.

It is one of Australia’s leading public hospitals, recognised as a centre for excellence in clinical care, research and training.

Visitors Information Centre

Local Health District

South East Sydney Local Health District

Traditional Owners

Gadigal People of the Eora Nation

Opening Hours

Visiting Hours are 10am to 1pm 3pm to 8pm.

Rest period: 1pm - 3pm daily.

A patient/visitor lounge is located on each floor


An ATM is located in the main entry of the public hospital for use by patients, visitors, staff and the general public

Public WiFi

We offer wireless internet access to all patients. Connection instructions are available from the receptionist and are also displayed on-screen once you are connected to the network, called Patnet.

Your user name is your patient identification number, as displayed on your wristband, and your password is your date of birth backwards (YYMMDD). For example, if you were born on the 12 April 1945, your password would be 450412.

Loan notebooks are available for patients who do not have their own notebook or laptop.

For more information, please speak to the receptionist on your floor.

There is no public telephone at St Vincent's Private Hospital Sydney. The closest public telephone is located on the left hand side of the foyer entrance of St Vincent's Clinic.

Address390 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Phone 02 8382 1111
WebsiteVisit Website


Patient/Carer Checklist

Support Contacts

Social Work Department02 8382 2213
Carer Support02 83821111
Chaplaincy 02 8382 1111
Volunteer Service 02 8382 1111
Aboriginal Liaison02 83822213
Telehealth(02) 93555712
R.E.A.C.H 02 8382 1111
CALD TranslationTranslating Interpeting Service 131 450
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