Our Board

Kelly Foran

Chief Executive Officer

Kelly Foran, founder and CEO of the Friendly Faces Helping Hands Foundation, is an enthusiastic businesswoman. From firsthand experience she knows the frailty of life and of the often overwhelming challenges faced when country people become ill or injured. The struggle to co-ordinate their health journey with depleted funds, led Kelly to form Friendly Faces Helping Hands, a foundation which links country people. In the nine years since the Foundation’s inception over 90,000 people have been assisted by sourcing information on the website and by ringing a hotline, which Kelly answers herself. Kelly regularly does presentations and speaking engagements, which rarely leave a dry eye in the audience, and co-ordinates all fund-raising for the Foundation. Kelly runs Friendly Faces Helping Hands from her a rural property near Glen Innes NSW Kelly sits on many Boards and tries to bring Rurality and its challenges to Health Services and networks.

Board member of combined Clinical Excellence Commission and Agency for Clinical Innovation Community Advisory Committee

Board member of Clinical Excellence Commission Community Advisory committee

Board Member of 2 Local Health Districts Glen Innes and Tenterfield

Primary Healthcare Institute Executive Committee

NSW Consumer Leaders COVID Task Force

Community Consultative Committee for Justice Correctional Service

Improving the Rural Patients Steering Committee 

Achievements -

Finalist for RIRDC Rural Woman NSW, Australia Day Awards, Nomination for Australian Of The Year 2012, 2013, 2015

National Volunteers Award 2013 from Federal Government, Regional Community Awards, Finalist top 4 in NSW RIRDC Award

Nominated in Telstra Business women, Named as 1 in 100 WWIA Australian Women in Agribusiness, Narrabri Shire Citizen of

the year, NSW Women of the Year  Barwon Women of the yea r2015, NSW Women of the Year Finalist Rex Airlines 2016

Email Contact Us
Mobile0457 175 888

Alison Murry


Susan Rowland


Christine Connor


Employed as a Primary Health Care Nurse-providing Health Promotion and Health Education in small rural communities- having worked in the nursing industry for over 30 years in various roles.

Married with 3xchildren and six gorgeous grandchildren.

I have lived on the land most of my life and realise the adversities facing many rural families.

I am a passionate Community Leader working with communities to host large and small Health and Wellbeing Events empowering community members with the information to access services and navigate the Heath pathways.

Sharon Tierney

Amber Tibbett

Lyn Large

Lyn is a passionate business woman and rural advocate. Lyn owns and manages the local NRMA franchise in Narrabri is a mother of 2 and is a wonderful ambassador for buying and supporting local.

Jessica Loughlin (On Leave)

Past Directors

