EnableNSW provides equipment and services to people in NSW with chronic health conditions or disability to assist them with mobility, communication and self-care. http://www.enable.health.nsw.gov.au/
EnableNSW provides assistance for people to access aids and equipment such as wheelchairs, ventilators, prosthetic limbs and consumable items. We also provide financial assistance for people who have to travel significant distances to access specialist medical treatment which is not available locally.
Applications can be lodged either by applying online or filling out a form and e-mailing it to us with necessary supporting documents. An Equipment Request Form, which describes the individual's functional or clinical needs for the equipment, is then required to be completed by an eligible prescriber. Completed applications and requests will be assessed for eligibility and applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome and expected timeframe for funding. Whether you’re a new or existing consumer, submitting your form to us using the online application is the fastest and simplest way.